- About Aliens 911 -

Aliens 911 is a database of Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) sightings. We're starting with the British UFO sighting location data from the UK's Ministry of Defence's (MOD) unclassified Records of UFO Sightings data (GPS data). Here you'll see Distribution Maps of those sightings in England, Scotland or Wales. We're currently working on the Worldwide data and it will be coming soon!

UFO report files contain a mixture of letters from members of the public and reports from official sources such as the police, coastguard and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). Many reports take the form of military signals received by MoD via a variety of RAF and RN stations. The most frequent method of reporting a UFO sighting was via a standard proforma, originally based on a USAF questionnaire. A version of this questionnaire is still used today by the Ministry of Defence. The proforma contains 16 questions, a-q:

  • (a) Date, time and duration of sighting; (b) Description of object; (c) Exact position observer; (d) How observed; (e) Direction in which object was first seen; (f) Angle of sight; (g) Distance; (h) Movements; (j) Meteorological conditions during observations; (k) Nearby objects; (l) To whom reported (police, military organisations, the press etc); (m) Name and address of informant; (n) Any background on the informant that may be volunteered; (o) Other witnesses; (p) Date and time of receipt of report; (q) Is a reply requested? (Note item q was deleted from 1973).